
Provincial history and sucession of Priors/Sub-Priors

Provincial Officers

Provincial Priors Bodyguard

Provincial Prior’s Certificate of Service


Toast List – KT

Toast List – KM


Glossary of Offices


Preceptory Offices

Eminent Preceptor – E.P.
Past Preceptor – P.P.
Chaplain – Chap.
1st Constable – 1st. Con.
2nd Constable – 2nd. Con.
Treasurer – Treas.
Registrar – Reg.
Marshal – Mar.
Deputy Marshal – D.Mar.
Almoner – Almn.
1st Herald – 1st. Her.
2nd Herald – 2nd. Her.
Standard Bearer (B) – St.B.(B)
Standard Bearer (Vexillum Belli) – St.B.(V.B.)
Captain of Guards – C.of G.
Guard -Gd.
Organist – Org.

Provincial Offices

Provincial Prior – Prov. Prior
Provincial Sub-Prior – Prov. Sub-Prior
Provincial Prelate – Prov. Prelate
Provincial Chancellor – Prov. Chan.
Provincial 1st Constable – Prov. 1st.Con.
Provincial 2nd Constable – Prov. 2nd.Con.
Provincial Registrar – Prov. Reg.
Provincial Vice-Chancellor – Prov. Vice- Chan.
Provincial Marshal – Prov. Mar.
Provincial Deputy Marshal – Prov. Dep.Mar.
Provincial Almoner – Prov. Alm.
Provincial Herald – Prov. Her.
Provincial Standard Bearer (Beauceant) – Prov. St.B.(B)
Provincial Standard Bearer (Vexillum Belli) – Prov.St.B.(V.B.)
Provincial Banner Bearer – Prov. B.B.
Provincial Sword Bearer – Prov.Swd.B.
Provincial Aide-de-Camp – Prov. A-de-C
Provincial Warden of Regalia – Prov.W.of R.
Provincial Chamberlain – Prov. Cham.
Provincial Captain of Guards – Prov. C.of G.
Provincial Organist – Prov. Org.
Provincial Guard – Prov. Gd.

Great Priory Offices

Most Eminent & Supreme Grand Master – M.E. & S.G.M.
Very High & Right Eminent Great Seneschal – V.H. & Rt.E.Gt.Sen.
Great Prelate – Gt. Prelate
Great Chancellor – Gt. Chan.
1st Great Constable – 1st Gt. Con.
2nd Great Constable – 2nd.Gt. Con.
Great Registrar – Gt. Reg.
Great Vice-Chancellor – Gt. Vice-Chan.
Great Marshal – Gt. Mar.
Deputy Great Marshal – Dep.Gt.Mar.
Great Almoner – Gt. Alm.
Great Herald – Gt. Her.
Great Standard Bearer (Beauceant) – Gt.St.B.(B)
Great Standard Bearer (Vexillum Belli) – Gt.St.B. (V.B.)
Grand Master’s Banner Bearer – G.M.B.B.
Great Sword Bearer – Gt.Swd. B.
Deputy Great Almoner – Dep.Gt.Alm.
Deputy Great Sword Bearer – Dep.Gt.Swd.B.
Great Aide-de-Camp – Gt. A-de-C.
Great Warden of Regalia – Gt.W.of R.
Great Chamberlain – Gt. Cham.
Great Captain of Guards – Gt. C.of G.
Great Organist – Gt. Org.
Deputy Great Organist – Dep.Gt.Org.
Great Guard – Gt. Gd.

N.B. All past Ranks are prefixed by the letter “P” e.g. P.Gt.Reg. = Past Great Registrar